Impact of the Pandemic – Interview with Korea Business News

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Safety Leadership Coaching – Changing the story

Apr 08, 2020 | By David Turberfield

It is well understood that most accidents happen due to the behaviour of workers on the front line.

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Time for Mindful Leadership

Apr 08, 2020 | By

A calendar notification gives Steve time to put aside what he was working on, close his office door and ask his assistant to keep him free from distractions for the next twenty minutes.

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Accelerative Learning in High Hazard Industries

Apr 08, 2020 | By David Turberfield

On the 26 April 2016, a delivery of 1.5 tons of steel mesh makes its way to a construction yard in Singapore. The load needs to be lifted from the truck using the truck crane and lowered to the ground

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Impact of the Pandemic – Interview with Korea Business News

Jun 19, 2020 | By

Interview with Korea Business News, Global Signs talking about the impact of the pandemic on Singapore and the environment which…

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Combatting Stress

Apr 02, 2020 | By David Turberfield

You won’t be surprised that the issue I come across most often in my coaching is stress. We all have it, it’s a natural part of life and our ability to recognize and deal with it is an

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An Evening of Playback Theatre

Mar 31, 2020 | By David Turberfield

It’s a Saturday evening and an instruction has gone out on the family WhatsApp for everyone to be home by 6 p.m. “cos we’re going out”.

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A Botched Sales Pitch

Mar 31, 2020 | By David Turberfield

It’s just coming up to 6:30am on a Wednesday morning. I’m in my shorts and T-shirt about to head out of the door for a run and my phone rings.

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Accelerative Learning Defined

Mar 31, 2020 | By David Turberfield

The father of Accelerative Learning (AL) is the Bulgarian psychiatrist Dr. Georgi Lozanov. Dr Lazanov’s initial work in the 1960s was called “Suggestopedia”.

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Accelerative Learning in Practice

Mar 31, 2020 | By David Turberfield

When designing and facilitating an Accelerative Learning (AL) program, the AL cycle provides a broad but flexible template that helps ensure that all the principles of AL are met. The AL Cycle consists of the following five phases (Kinnard 2007)

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What is Accelerative Learning?

Mar 31, 2020 | By David Turberfield

Picture the scene. A presenter is at the front of the room, 40 minutes into a session about ethical compliance obligations, literally talking to his 35thPowerPoint slide.

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